Tips to Surviving Depression And Getting Your Life Back

A question which we often ask ourselves, is: “What is a solution for depression?” If you speak to psychologists from different schools of psychology, each one will give you a different answer. Still, we can recognize some common basic elements. Below, some of these basic elements will be summed up 10 WAYS TO CURE DEPRESSION IN 21 DAYS


Hit Depression With These 3 Prescriptions

Solution for depression: changing factors
What many people think is that you have to deal with the factors which trigger depression. For example, your boyfriend hits you. Then you can change this factor by ending the relationship, for example. Dealing with the factors is indeed a good option. If you are abused in your relationship, something will have to change. Not making any changes is not a solution for depression.
People have an instinctive need to be happy. That is why it would seem logical that, if they are not happy in a situation, they will try to change this situation. Changing triggering factors is an important solution for depression. But what if the factors, which lead to depression, are the person’s characteristics?

Conquering depression: how I became my own hero


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